Public File

Radio in the UK is regulated by law, by the Office for Communications, and we are committed to ensuring total compliance with the requirements of our licence. This file contains information about the provision of licensed services, in accordance with guidelines as drawn up and, from time to time, revised by Ofcom.

We welcome all comments about our programming and output. You can contact us using the details below.


Our Schedule varies every day. A daily breakdown can be found in our Schedule page. Descriptions of our programmes can be found by clicking on the show name in the Schedule. Some of these shows are available on our Listen Again page.

Meridian FM is committed to developing a diverse and inclusive radio station with shows featuring the whole spectrum of music genres and representation from across our community.

Local Event Support

We publish regular Community News bulletins to promote local events. We can also help run events, providing PA systems and presenters where needed. Details of local events can also be found on our Events page.


We have fixed national news bulletins and weather every hour and a longer lunchtime news bulletin on weekdays provided by Radio News Hub. Other news and features output has been sourced and researched independently by volunteers and/or guests. We broadcast traffic and travel updates during our weekday breakfast shows.

Key Commitments

Each community radio station has a set of Key Commitments which forms part of its licence. The Key Commitments summarise our core aims and how we will meet the particular legislative requirements that apply to community radio. Read our Key Commitments here.

Registration, Licence and Coverage

Meridian FM Radio is registered at Companies House as a not-for-profit private company limited by guarantee. Our company number is 06525065.

Our Ofcom licence number is CR000206BA/3. You can view our FM coverage map here.

Programming Team

Our Managing Director is Jeannie Bizzell.


If you would like to comment or make a complaint about 107 Meridian FM, please email; providing details of your comment or complaint, and our team will help with your enquiry.

If you are unhappy with the response you receive, you can complain directly to the regulator, Ofcom

Station Contact Details

Managing Director: Jeannie Bizzell

Address: Meridian FM, Jubilee Community Centre, Charlwoods Road, East Grinstead RH19 2HL

Telephone: 01342 325 825

OFCOM (Office of Communications) is the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries, with responsibilities across television, radio, telecommunications and wireless communications services. Information for consumers and information regarding this station is available on their website

If listeners wish to report any Pirate Radio interference to Ofcom this can now also be done directly by accessing: